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The Psychic Protection

Dalmatian Jasper Black tourmaline Protection

Dalmatian jasper and black turmaline

Dalmatian Jasper Healing Properties

Jasper is known as the supreme nurturer. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang.

The vibration of Dalmation Jasper aligns with the Base or Root chakra. This chakra is responsible for feelings of material safety, groundedness, and security. When it’s balanced and clear we feel confident, empowered, and free from fear.

Black Tourmaline

ourmaline helps to create a shield around a person or room to prevent negative or unwelcome energies from entering. It is also grounding and helpful to balancing all of the chakras. The stone can even dissolve challenging energy and negative thought patterns, transmuting them into more beneficial energy and beliefs. t’s known to have strong energy, protective properties, and healing capabilities. This black stone is believed to help relieve muscle aches and pains, attract luck and wealth, soothe emotions, and protect against negative energies and psychic attacks.


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